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Supporting Cardiff Mind

Mental health is a worldwide challenge that effects people from all walks of life. There are many contributing factors that could effect a person's mental health, the most relevant to the Film and TV industry are long working hours, bullying, harassment and discrimination. It can be argued that these factors are present within all industries. However, research conducted by the Film and TV charity Looking Glass 2021 report shows that there is still far more that can be done to make the working environment better for all film industry members.

One of the most important guiding factors that influences a lot of the above, and that all people can help to make a difference towards, is the film industry's culture and climate. Culture can be defined as a set of assumptions within an organisation or industry that determine how problems are solved. The culture can be seen in visible behaviour patterns, influenced by the basic assumptions that define the "way things are done". Climate on the other hand can be defined as an expression of how it feels to work within an organisation or industry. The climate may differ from each job, but the industry culture over-arches this.

It's important to note how climate and culture are linked; climate can influence culture. By slowly changing the climate for the better, within a tightly knit industry like that of film and TV, the culture will soon follow . All crew can make changes to help shape the climate on a job, but most importantly managers and HOD's can strive to create a supportive climate that values openness, equality and collaboration. It won't solve mental heath in the film industry, but it's a step in the right direction.

To show support for this Digital Imaging Tech LTD has pledged 1% of total turnover per year to Cardiff Mind, our local Mind charity. To help not just our own industry, but all who might be effected past, present and future.

Thanks from Cardiff Mind